Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valintines day

So I had a date last night with Ariana for Valintines day.  We went on a triple date with her friend Carly and her date Shawn (who is my friend)  and Jordan and his date Kristina.  We went to dinner at Claim Jumper and then went to a movie.  I drove all of them down there and we had a good time at dinner.  the movie we was was THE RITE.  It was not a very good movie at ALL!  I fell asleep during it, and it was supposed to be scary!  If you know me, you know that I don't like scary movies and would NEVER fall asleep during one unless it was super boring.  Apparently I fell asleep before the "scary" part because Jordan said it was really scary.  Well I drove everyone home and got home at 9:30 and went strait to bed.  And that is my Valintines day.


  1. Despite the bad movie, was it a fun night overall?

  2. That falling asleep cracks me up! I might have fallen asleep in every Harry Potter movie I've ever seen, and I've seen the first 5. But apparently they are all good movies :) I think your Valentine's Day sounded fun, and I'm glad you had a good time.

  3. You should save your dating for weekends, then maybe you won't fall asleep!! Love you!
