Monday, September 16, 2013

Frist Day of Classes

I decided to just update whenever I want instead of on a schedule because I might forget important things and just want to post random things.  Today was the first day of classes.  For those of you who didn't know I have all my classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I only have three of the six.  I woke up at 7:00am and went to my first class that started at 7:45.  Each class is an hour long and I have 15 minutes between each class.  I had two more class in the morning and then I was done at 11:45.  I went and had lunch and did random stuff until my next class that started at 2.  This class was BoM and I can already tell that I am going to like it.  My instructor is super cool, funny and entertaining.  His devotional for today I liked because of Grandma.  It was allegory of the olive tree, but he didn't take the usual spin on it.  He talked about how the two trees in the bad soil grew better then the one in the good soil and compared that to growing up and making choices.  Just because you grew up in a bad situation doesn't mean that you will be a "bad" person, and he even said "grow where you are planted" a couple of times.  So I was thinking of Grandma the whole time.  Then I had Business Law, I really liked this class because it is very interesting, but the instructor said that Freshmen probably should not take it.  This startled me a little, but I am going to stick to it and try my hardest.  Another little blimp on this classes radar is that we had to rate ourselves with how comfortable we were talking in class.  I rated myself 12/30 and there were three different categories.  Then we stood in a line and she divided us evenly and assigned a high score with a low score.  This is our only chance at extra credit and I have to raise my hand more than my partner in order for both of us to get the credit.  So that class is going to be interesting.  I already raised my hand three times and my partner only once, so I am doing good so far!  After this class I have a 30 minute break until my next class at 5 which is microeconomics.  Now this class I am worried most about because the instructor doesn't like lectures and it is mainly group type learning.  Also economics is a hard subject.  Tomorrow and Thursday I don't have any classes so I will do most of my work, but then on Wednesday it is the same schedule, but Friday I only have three classes 9-10, 10:15-11:15, and 3:15-4:15.

1 comment:

  1. If you put the work into those classes, I know you'll see the benefits. I'm proud of you for raising your hand! Keep up the posts, they are great and you'll love looking back over them when you're older!
