Sunday, September 15, 2013

College Life

I haven't updated in forever because I frankly forgot about updating and so therefore never did, and the only reason that I am doing this now is because my mom is making me.  as many of you know I am starting my first semester of college at BYU-I and this weekend I moved into my dorms.  I have five roommates, Kyle who is in my room, Brigham, Nick, Mack, and Joshua.  They are all cool people, but we are all very different so it is going to be an interesting semester.  We are all freshmen besides Kyle who is a RM who served in England.  On my first day here I was able to move in quickly and get all my stuff so that I didn't have to worry about it.  My mom and dad were here to help me and they also took me to Wal-Mart to get some things that I needed.  There was a little orientation meeting and then after that we split up into assigned groups (all freshmen) and did a little get-to-know-you things.  There I met Theodore, who is from Henderson, NV and is related to one of my favorite teachers in high school.  So that was cool and exciting.  After that I got to say goodbye to my parents and have dinner with them one last time.  Later in the night there was a new student talent show that we went to in our groups.  It was pretty cool and there were some great acts (mostly singers).  Then we went directly to a gym where we did some fun games in our group.  We played missionary tag and also a giant game of ninja (there was at least 20 people in my group that showed up).  That was all really fun and lasted until around midnight so I didn't get to bed until around 1:30ish.  On Saturday we went and had some more introduction type meetings and then we went on a tour of the campus with our groups.  It was really interesting and informative, but seemed like it lasted forever.  We then separated from our groups and went to the college (department) that our major was apart of.  In my group there were two other people in the business college, both of them girls.  I only remember one of there names because we did some other stuff together later, but the other girl was also doing accounting and Dianne was doing business management (one of the majors I was considering).  We then went to the get involved fair where I signed up for a bunch of things (some of which I will not be doing) and hung out with Dianne and Mack.  Then I went back to my room to find that Kyle was moving in (he wasn't here on Friday) and then just hung out with Mack and Joshua.  We then went to I-Night, which was just a bunch of activities that you could do around the center of campus and hung out with Mack all night.  All night we were trying to figure out which ward we were supposed to go to on Sunday and finally around 11:45 we figured it out.  I am in the 41st ward in the 5th stake and I meat at 10:30.  Now I am just sitting around the room and doing random things with my roommates.  I only have a microwave to cook things in, but I got a lot of soup on Friday, but when I cooked my lunch today I was afraid cause my microwave was making a weird noise, but Kyle didn't seem to react so I figured it was normal.  Well that was my weekend and I will try to update at least every other Sunday, but judging by this post I might have to do it every Sunday to make the posts shorter.


  1. Love hearing about your college life. Keep posting:)

  2. Sounds like a really fun time and if that microwave breaks, you can always turn it in and have them fix it!
